Saturating your CITY with God's LOVE

Our prayer is that the city would be saturated with God's love manifest through His people loving people as an expression of their love of God. Any neighborhood that does not look like it's been reached by God's love by coming into the fullness of its potential through God's love is unreached. Most cities are comprised of smaller neighborhoods. Neighborhood Shepherds within a larger community connecting with one another can plan events together and thereby begin congregating. The long term result would be praying & working toward a congregation in every unreached neighborhood in a city.

(For illustrative purposes, the following map shows the 12 buroughs of Berlin, Germany. Each neighborhood represents about 300,000 people depending on the neighborhood. This makes neighborhood geographic strategizing more manageable for the everyman.)



  • breath LIFE into every block of the neighborhood

  • ...gathers LIFE Houses from that neighborhood for worship, word, fellowship, prayer, & resource sharing

  • ...disciples new believers thru simple Bible tools like Abundant Life (or YouTube Visual Bible for non-readers)

  • ...trains leaders thru LEAD or another common leadership training system

  • ...plants churches through various Church Planting Basics trainings or another proven support system

  • ...shares interdependent pastoral leadership (apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers) within a regional network of churches